Globant Iconic Building
Alric Galindez Arquitectos
Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
March 2023
Santiago Alric Ferre (Architect)
Francisco Gaelazzi, Joan Marantz (Collaboration in preliminary project), Sofia Calut, Camila Mana (Collaborator architect), REDSA, Obras y Sistemas S.A. (Construction and administration), Ing. Carlos Calissano (Structure), BULLA, GNBA, NRG-AR, Evans, Arturo Peruzzotti, Ottobre y Ottobre, Jose Victor D’Angelo, Carlos Pearson & Asoc (Advisors
Fernando Schapochnik
Keeping in mind that an icon is the representation of an object, we decided that the building should not be a mere representation, but rather an expression of how work is done at Globant. Being able to see the Globers working and moving around makes passing by the building a dynamic experience, enriching the urban environment with vitality.
It is proposed to create spaces that foster socialization, making work a pleasant experience. Going to your workstation, the restroom, or for coffee should present opportunities for casual encounters. That is why these activities are focused on the facades, accompanied by spaces for leisure. The traditional fire escape core is reconfigured so that two staircases run inside the building's perimeter and connect meeting spaces through a diagonal void. Acting as a structural tube, the fire escape core houses a pressurized staircase inside and a walking staircase above it.
The building is structured in a Plug-In system where levels can be added in order to expand its production capacity. Consequently, a system of metal structure with precast slabs was used, which allows for the future addition of four levels that are planned and integrated in the project design.
The proposal suggests a system of sunshades and transparent glass that allows for regulating sunlight and showing what happens inside. Greenhouses are proposed as meeting spaces on the NE and NW facades, which help mitigate the temperature difference between the interior and exterior, functioning as enclosed spaces in winter and as open galleries in summer.
Tandil is a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants and is located in the Province of Buenos Aires. Its main economic activities are agriculture and livestock farming. Its landscape mainly consists of low-rise constructions characterized by the Tandilia mountain range that surrounds them, which makes it a great tourist destination. This is why high-rise buildings stand out and allow for views of the landscape.
Moreover, the city is home to universities that specialize in high-quality technology education. Consequently, in recent years, many software-related companies have settled or been created in the city. As Tandil began to grow in this field, becoming a hub of technology at the national level was set as one of its main economic objectives.
That is were Globant opened its second office outside Buenos Aires in 2006. Globant is now present in more than 33 countries and has become one of the largest IT companies in the world. Some of its founders also studied and began their careers there. Therefore, in 2016, the company decided to pursue the dream of having its iconic building. To achieve this, an International Public Design Competition was called for, drawing over 100 proposals. The criteria established that the building had to be iconic, sustainable, with 500m2 open-plan areas, two fire escapes, and maximum flexibility.
Positioning of Tandil as a City of Technology and Knowledge
The building has been embraced by the residents of Tandil as a structure that, through its imprint, positions them as a hub of technology among other cities. Through partnerships with universities and the opportunity for visits, the building serves as a means to convey the values of the knowledge industry. It is part of Tandil's tourist circuit, showcasing the capacity for development and progress in a small city in a country like Argentina.
Activation of Urban Space
The ground floor is utilized as an open space for the community. It's a versatile area where courses, talks, concerts, exhibitions, and after-work events take place, generating movement and creating a vibrant dynamic with the public space. The activity of the Globers along the facades' pathways transcends the building's boundaries, revitalizing and giving character to the public space.
Workplace ownership
During the pre-pandemic project stage, research was conducted to determine what a workspace where people want to work should entail. The pandemic prompted worldwide changes in the conception of workspaces. After becoming operational, it was observed that the original concepts were in line with the new post-pandemic ways of working. The Tandil office has the highest percentage of Globers opting to work in person compared to other Globant offices. The greenhouses have been embraced by the Globers as work and meeting spaces, providing the opportunity to enjoy the warmth of the sun in winter and the shade when they are opened in summer.