Amairis Sewing Factory
Ruta 4 Taller
Pereira, Colombia
June 2019
Jorge Augusto Noreña Ocampo y Juliana López Marulanda
Rosalie Lefebvre and Julian Vasquez Osorio
Corporación El comienzo del Arcoiris
Federico Cairoli
This project is perceived through some phases, developed like a objectives, which in turn determine the specific roles:
Collective manager architect: in this phase the main objective is to help the community in the process of organized capital management, which allows the search for economic resources to make the construction process viable with the obtainment materials, as well as the management donation of the land and the future supply of confection equipment.
Participatory designer architect: moment in which the dialogues with the community lead the premises to begin the architectural piece, responding to the needs, materials and local construction systems, resulting in the possibility of experiencing a building evoked collectively and with a continuous relationship of the landscape, framing the extensive horizon of the valley to dilute the limits between interior and exterior.
In the architectural proposal, the open disposition on the main facade shows an intention of closeness and control of the mothers to their children, while they play and participate in cultural and artistic activities in the community center. The back facade is closed with a brick wall perforated by 24 windows, representing the women who will work in the sewing factory, the use inside as a space for the storage of raw materials and finished products; the wall moves to the back to give space to the main access and contain the bathrooms.
The brick continues on the floor, creating a surface that extends to the outside, establishing meeting spaces that articulate community spaces, nature and the factory
Trainer construction architect: at this time, construction training instructional processes are carried out for construction workers, allowing to strengthen the artisanal knowledge in the trade and thus leave in the territory the technical knowledge of processes and that these are replicated in the neighborhood by the same builders of the project.
Guiding architect: an accompaniment is carried out to the vision of the productive model of the textile factory, contributing in the ideation of the name, the brand and the general objectives, which directed the commercial and productive objectives of the textile factory.
Amairis is a project located in a neighborhood that emerged due to the processes of displacement and forced migration that led to the Colombian armed conflict for more than half a century. In these places, the processes of political and social organization are given through disputes in the territory, which through collective processes , academic, cultural and artistic formation it's possible found the solution with dialogue.
Additionally, in the family context of this area, women work mostly as housewives, staying subordinate to the male role. Situation that triggers conflicts. About this, many of them in search of independence and autonomy, consider a collective process that allows them to play a leadership role and empower themselves and their families.
As a result of these local processes and initiatives, support appears from external interdisciplinary agents, who help strengthen social leadership, string along with the community in medium- and long-term planning, and from there establish architectures aimed at a common goal, which dignify and celebrate life.
The project idea arises from the rural condition of the context, the climatic incidence of the valley between 25 - 32º C and the morphology of the plain landscape, are the geographical premises that affect spatial decisions and through the recognition of craft techniques
of self-construction with materials like the guadua, the brick and the clay tile give the material direction and guide the principal idea of the work.
Performance Description:
Currently 15 women work in the factory, who have manufacturing contracts for private companies and have a line of products of their own design; This process is led by a young professional, who has been a beneficiary of community training processes since he was a child and who is now beginning to take direction of the neighborhood process.
Although future dreams are recognized, the changing dynamics of community processes in neighborhoods with significant social conflicts are taken into account; for this reason, the project is arranged as a space that can change and make its activities more flexible according to neighborhood variations in the future.