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2016 MCHAP

Muy Guemes

Vale Cuatro

Cordoba, Argentina

October 2014


Agostina Gennaro Maria Jose Pendola Emilio Bruno


Gaston Pendola (Architect)


Vale Cuatro SRL


Gonzalo Viramonte



At the beginning, it was very difficult for us to imagine how an old storehouse, which was used as a repair shop and then as a parking lot, could turn into what we know today as “Muy Güemes”. As in every single architectural work, the environment was a key element to project and design this space. We just adapted to it. We were motivated by the commercial and cultural growth of the neighbourhood in which we locate ourselves and we wanted to develop an offer that would be impressive and that would generate a change to urban level of the “commercial concept”. We wanted to create a delightful and gorgeous place.


From the urban planning point of view, a parking lot can be seen as an irruption or it may break the harmony with the landscape. We were able to remodel and transform this modest car park into one of the most delightful places in Córdoba. The public response was immediate and significant. The space turned into a tour for the whole family, from its commercial and gastronomic areas to its open and recreational spaces. When people take ownership of a project and create a sense of belonging, it may mean that the design has been done successfully. For this reason, we believe that in “Muy Güemes” the main goal has been accomplished.

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