2016 MCHAP.emerge
INDUSTRIAL PARK / Socio Productive Unit
Alejandro Haiek Coll
Barquisimeto, Venezuela
August 2014
Alejandro Haiek Coll / The Public Machinery
Antonio Yemail / Oficina Informal Rafael Machado / InSitu Fabio Lopez / InSitu
Los Cerrajones Community
Irina Urriola
The main territorial slope was a major problem for this space; due to the lack of drainage on the top, floods took place creating inconvenience in the park and adjacent homes, and the roots of existing vegetation were discovered. The slope was stabilized by an excavation, the insertion of donated prefabricated units and the construction of containing walls. The units were arranged as socio productive elements, which main faces were removed to allow accessibility and to be used as formwork for the supporting walls. A landscape operation and the creation of new geographies was achieved stacking and packing the removed ground for a second set of productive units. The confrontation of this system creates a new environmental playground scenario, which is an open theater that reveals the free stage mechanism and the different grounds of expression and cultural effervescence. Taking advantage of the topography, a stratification process began through the creation of boardwalks and connecting paths that activate the territory. The way of combining the territory reengineering with a cultural park that houses at least six programs, through the integration of a battery of containers strategically placed in borders for the contention of the land; provides the creation of a clear central public space. These containers cast the productive units that support the active diverse programming of restaurant / bar culture, information Centre, furniture manufacturing workshop, stage devices and a textile workshop for making costumes for festivals, insure the progressively development of the community.
Civic infrastructures and connectivity patterns intervening a modern, massive housing plan and informal slum growing. The proposal is immersed in a crisis between an urban grid and an informal mesh, that have stablished impenetrable hermetic barriers and psychological boundaries between their citizens. The social rejection of using the interstitial space have left the conquering of this transitional ambit to delinquency and crime. The intervention was directed to produce and consolidate new ways of living citizen life and activating new micro-economy systems in that urban condition; imprinting onto this unprecise territories, grounds, connectivity surfaces and programmatic units that intertwine local productivity and talent cartography.
Through the development of civic infrastructures and environmental playground scenarios, the project has accomplished to amalgamate in a legal foundation model, all the cultural, sporting and aid groups, experimenting with a new micro economies model based on a collective landscape. The participatory protocols and local cooperation, form part of the place making and builds new consumption dynamics linked to culture, over the urban grid. The intermediation ambits between both urban models, are suture operations, focused on providing a support infrastructure to those formation models in the socio productive units that generate great benefits in terms of economic mobilization.